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Website Design ...

... is the process of planning and creating a website. Text, images, digital media and interactive elements are used by web designers to produce the page seen on the web browser.

Web designers utilize markup language, most notably HTML for structure and CSS for presentation as well as Ja, vaScript to add interactivity to develop pages that can be read by web browsers.

As a whole, the process of web design can include conceptualization, planning, producing, post-production, research, advertising.

The site itself can be divided up into pages. The site is navigated by using hyperlinks, which are commonly blue and underlined text, but can be made to look like anything the designer wishes. Images can also be hyperlinks.

Web designing is all about writing code that is valid HTML and CSS which make it easier to correct problems, and edit pages.

HTML and CSS are the fundamental technologies for building web pages: HTML (html and xhtml) for structure, CSS for style and layout, including WebFonts. By separating the presentation style of documents from the content of documents, CSS simplifies Web authoring and site maintenance.


Raw Content (HTML)

The basic design concept is that HTML should only be used for raw content.  If CSS rules are included within a single HTML page, changes would have to be made to each and every page that used the element in question, corrupting the page-to-page continuity. The W3C has released new standards for HTML (HTML5) and CSS (CSS3), as well as new JavaScript API's, each as a new but individual standard.

Aesthetics (CSS)

CSS should be used to manipulate the content for aesthetic style. Having a separate CSS file allows for making aesthetic changes to the entire website than just to a single web page. Responsive Web Design is a newer approach, based on CSS3, and a deeper level of per-device specification within the page's style sheet through an enhanced use of the CSS.